Parents in Panama

A web journal sharing our experience as parents in Panama

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Location: State College, PA, United States

Place of Birth: Jamaica (land of wood and water...and reggae) Dream Job: Car Designer Countries visited: Yugoslavia, Panama, England, Curacao, St. Kitts, Grand Cayman, The Dominic Republic, Canada,U.S.A (Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Tenesee,New York, Washington D.C. Maryland). Travel lessons: 1.We are more alike than we are different 2. Always pack extra underwear. Favourite food: Jerk Chicken with rice an' peas, avocado (we say pear in Jamaica) an' festival pan di side. An' som' cool cool lemonade fi cool dun' the jerk chicken :) For the future: To do more industrial and architectural design. My Name: My father has a passion for boxing, so he borrowed Ali from Muhammed and added it to the York from his name, Yorkwin. Favorite Quote: Some men see things as they are and ask why...I dream things that never where and ask, why not. George Bernard Shaw (not JFK)

Sunday, August 08, 2004

The hard drive you see below is virtually toast. On that drive is my current work, major cache of phots of Aliana and other important stuff. The drive was hit apparently by a power surge while I was using the pc at work (helping out my new boss who is lacking a machine). Mistake number one: taking teh machine to work. Mistake number two: not connecting it to the UPS there. Mistake number three: no BACKING UP regularly :( Right now I am just sooo numb. So much work tied up on that drive and I am just...I don't what to say but to ask God for grace to deal with this situation. It's so easy to talk the talk but God is really trying to teach me to walk the walk of trusting Him implicitly!!! It's so hard, so hard. Please pray that I find some way to recover this info friends. I need to as soon as possible. laters, Yorkali  Posted by Hello

MAJOR MAJOR DISASTER!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by Hello

I love your smile Posted by Hello