Jamaica spared !!!
I'd like to thank all those who prayed for my family and country. Although there was loss of life and widespread damage, Jamaica was spared a full assualt by "Ivan the Terrible". Every news report speaks of the last-minute dodge we had and one site (weather.com) stated it was as though there was a barricade along the southern coast line. ( I think those were angels :)
My God is an awesome GOD!!!
Prayer works people, prayer works.
My family is quite fine, the main loss are the chickens my father had on the farm, over 40,000 birds. of course they are insured by Jamaica Broilers (the comapany that supplies the poultry) Anyway, I am very happy that my family was spared and the country was not directly hit. My condolonces to all who have lost loved ones to Ivan from Grenada to Cuba. We should now focus our prayers for Florida and Louisiana in the U.S. Reports are that Ivan is packing winds near 160 mph. Very dangerous force of nature, very dangerous. But as we have seen, God can sure protect anyone and anything. Cayman was to get direct hit too and the eye missed them by 30 miles!!!