Parents in Panama

A web journal sharing our experience as parents in Panama

My Photo
Location: State College, PA, United States

Place of Birth: Jamaica (land of wood and water...and reggae) Dream Job: Car Designer Countries visited: Yugoslavia, Panama, England, Curacao, St. Kitts, Grand Cayman, The Dominic Republic, Canada,U.S.A (Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Tenesee,New York, Washington D.C. Maryland). Travel lessons: 1.We are more alike than we are different 2. Always pack extra underwear. Favourite food: Jerk Chicken with rice an' peas, avocado (we say pear in Jamaica) an' festival pan di side. An' som' cool cool lemonade fi cool dun' the jerk chicken :) For the future: To do more industrial and architectural design. My Name: My father has a passion for boxing, so he borrowed Ali from Muhammed and added it to the York from his name, Yorkwin. Favorite Quote: Some men see things as they are and ask why...I dream things that never where and ask, why not. George Bernard Shaw (not JFK)

Friday, May 13, 2005

Posted by Hello

buckle up Jamaica...oops Panama Posted by Hello

smile :) Posted by Hello

:) Posted by Hello

Alanis and Paula chummin it up!  Posted by Hello

I have never posted anything here about my work but I thought I'd share this one with you guys. I did it for a recent music conference in Atlanta. I had fun on this one :) Posted by Hello

Daddy's all alone

Well, it's Sabbath and I'm home alone. My tribe is off to Chiriqui (my wifes home province). Felisa's company is having a tour of the inner provinces next week so she has to go. We decided to let the kids go with her. I would have gone but when you run a one man show without a laptop, it's a little difficult to bail on my clients. So Fela's little brother (he's actually 6 foot four :) came from David ( 6hr trip) to drive them in. Gonna miss my girls!